Buddhi, with a keen interest in Data Science and Machine Learning, is currently undertaking a project focused on real-time data warehousing. Drawing from a vast array of sources such as traffic metrics, parking details, goods transfer records, land use maps, OSRM map data, CDRs, GPS tracking, HVS data, satellite imagery, bus ticketing systems, accident reports, and video feeds, he aims to construct a dynamic and comprehensive data repository. This particular warehouse is designed to provide an integrated perspective on diverse data realms. Furthermore, within this project, Buddhi is exploring innovative machine learning techniques to extract actionable insights and predictive analytics from the compiled data.
Buddhi Ayesha

Buddhi Ayesha is a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Computer Science & Engineering department at the University of Moratuwa. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the same institution in 2018. After completing his BSc, Buddhi advanced his studies by pursuing a Master's degree (with a major component of research), specializing in Data Science and Machine Learning. He completed this degree in 2020, also within the Computer Science and Engineering department. In addition, he holds the position of Senior Research Engineer at the DataSEARCH (Data Science, Engineering & Analytics Research Center) at the University of Moratuwa.
Website: https://buddhiayesha2015.github.io