Quip.com: A powerful research collob tool:

  • Create a folder for your FYP
    • Create a ref folder and keep a copy of the papers you reed there organized using subfolders: Use meaningful folder names
  • Create a kanban chart and use it as a project management tool for your FYP.

Mind Map: Use mind map tools online. (there are quite a few free, pl do not go for those with one month trial but others with limited free edition)

Grammarly for proofreading: Use this app for improved spell and grammar correction

UOM GIT: Create a git private repo here https://git.uom.lk/ for your FYP

  • Please start using this from the beginning and it is a good way to express your team effort later during progress review.

Technical writing

Talk to your seniors who worked on similar topic learn about common pitfalls

Talk to your seniors who worked with the same supervisor

  • Understand how to best utilize him

Schedule weekly meeting ASAP

  • Make sure you attend them with progress

BE Proactive

  • It is the key to success

Pick conferences and make theam as deadlines and work towards them

Take enough photos and videos of your progress

  • It's a cherishable memory for years to come

Have a gameplan, get a buy in from your supervisor and play it out

Have a team management model

  • It would be interesting to study the team management model of successful FYP team in CSE
  • However for execution identify a leader, a PM and also a scrum master and architect.
    • One person can play one or more of these roles
    • Also at different phase these roles can be switched

This is very important: Have Fun